Do you remember when you used to want to do new things? When you had ideas and energy to follow through on those great ideas? Have you considered that the place you are right now might be a good thing? Perhaps feeling like your fire has gone out is the perfect opportunity to figure out how to burn more properly. Maybe even a fire that will last much longer and hotter than the fires of old.

Fire is something we often fear but it is necessary to have. It helps us stay warm, it helps us cook our food, and it has transmuting power. Fire burns things away that can’t sustain the heat. Often leaving in its place what is strong enough to maintain its original form and shape under such intense conditions.
Do you remember when you used to want to do new things? When you had ideas and energy to follow through on those great ideas? Have you considered that the place you are right now might be a good thing? Perhaps feeling like your fire has gone out is the perfect opportunity to figure out how to burn more properly. Maybe even a fire that will last much longer and hotter than the fires of old.

Fire is something we often fear but it is necessary to have. It helps us stay warm, it helps us cook our food, and it has transmuting power. Fire burns things away that can’t sustain the heat. Often leaving in its place what is strong enough to maintain its original form and shape under such intense conditions.

Perhaps, feeling like your fire has gone out is the perfect opportunity.

When we feel our fire (energy or our interests) has waned in any category of our lives we may decide there is something wrong with us because we don’t have the same feelings. However, when a fire goes out it can become a great opportunity to reevaluate life. Just as burning embers are found hidden in the ashes left after a campfire, that ember within yourself can be the spark to not only new ideas but also new directions. Often the fire going out is the beginning of a new fire burning. A more purposeful fire.

A flame that is much more fitting to where you are currently in your life.

If you are interested in getting your fire reignited here are three easy steps to turn up the heat:

1. Embrace starting from ash: often when things end we lament and get stuck in the sadness and disappointment of that ending. However, when you embrace the concept that in order for any new building to exist the old building must be demolished, you can then have a new appreciation for your old fire’s demise.

2. Find fresh wood to burn: there are times when we are ready to turn the fire on again but don’t know how to rebuild. The solution, start with one stick. Start over and over again with that one piece of wood and layer it piece by piece on top of each other. Until, you’ve configured the perfect structure to begin your new fire. There is no hurry to build your new foundation. Do this in your own time and in your own way.

3. Fan the flames with intention: once your new fire is ready to burn, be sure to provide energy to grow that fire with intention. Research your new fire, nurture your new fire with this research, and execute based on the research

Now that your fire is roaring and hot and ready to go, it is time to check in with how this fire feels. Does this fire feel like you’re at the right campground? If not, it may be time to cut your losses early, douse the fire with water, and begin to decide where to begin again.

If you are looking for support to take your spark to the next level, reach out to Tanyika Moore Healing Arts.