Sometimes I think about my childhood. While I was a pretty good kid there were occasional infractions that would get me into trouble with my mother. I would most often end up losing privileges. Now when I think of my mother’s desire and need to enforce this punishment, I realize she was also on punishment of sorts. Think about it. When it is your job to police someone or something or when you hold on to something, it keeps you restricted and in one place.
Every prison guard who must be on the lookout for the comings and goings of the inmates can attest to the reality of watching the moves of others. The prisoners have been charged and sentenced for crimes, while the guard is entrusted to stay and watch to make sure the prisoners follow inmate instructions. Sure they go home at the end of their shift but they must come back each day to make sure the accused doesn’t escape.
How does this apply to you? I’m so glad you asked.
What is it that you’re doing that has you stuck? What are you holding onto? What is the thing that you feel you can’t live without but you realize is holding you back and slowing you down? What is that thing that you only hold onto because it is familiar? Because of tradition? Because of what other people might say?
Often these types of items that hold us back are the very items that spark the flames of anxiety, depression and other uncomfortable feelings. If you are so worried about the actions of others or something, like a job, you are definitely not free to move through life the way you could if you would just let some things go. The interesting thing, and the good thing about letting go, is that you are now free to go, grow and glow.
Imagine holding a firefly in the palm of your closed hand. Now imagine seeing $100 dollar bills falling from the sky and refusing to open your closed hand because you are afraid the firefly will escape.
This is the idea behind holding onto something too much or watching something so closely. Opening your hand to release the firefly will simultaneously open your hand to receive the $100 bills falling from the sky. I know this analogy is a bit far-fetched but the point is holding onto things that are no longer serving you could be the reason you’re not receiving the things you really want. That could be the reason you are feeling stuck, that you’re not evolving, and the reason your emotional well-being and mental health is suffering.
There isn’t a three step list to letting go with this blog because the action itself is simple. If you are holding on to something you need to release you must begin to let it go. Just like that.
It may not happen all at once but you can create plans for letting go. To live a healthier lifestyle, let go of unhealthy eating and start exercising. If your job is causing you too much stress, let go of it so that you can make room for the one that is a better fit. I am not encouraging you to quit your job before you have another one. Though, I am encouraging you to make a plan to let go of the current job so you can find a new one. It’s scenarios like these in our lives that might require us to let go and the list of scenarios can go on and on. However, the fact remains that in order to put a brand new car in your one car garage, you must get rid of the old car.
Let go, because you never know, there may be something newer, better or improved on the horizon.
If you need help letting go please contact Tanyika Moore Healing Arts for support and or referrals.
By: Tanyika “Tann” Moore, LMFT
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