My mom used to always say, “If it was a snake it would have bitten your head off.” For me, this adage applied to those times when I was desperately searching for something and gave up because I couldn’t find it. Then my mom would later point out the item I was searching for but couldn’t find was right in front of me.
Just maybe, it’s right in front of you, too. It.
That thing you’re searching for or have been searching for since the last thing you were searching for and couldn’t find. It may not be in the packaging you thought it would be in so you’re feeling overwhelmed and quite frankly pissed because the delay to your desired destiny feels personal and undeserved. But what if the thing is waiting for you to eliminate distractions so you can see that it has been sitting right in front of you, asking you to be fully present long enough to see it?
I will not begin to go on and on about the distraction of social media and our ever-diminishing attention spans but just know…I’m thinking it.
How can you see the forest or the trees around you if you are so focused on how many likes you got on the last post? You may think you can do both, but even if you are doing both, your energy and focus are being split between what you really want, what others say you should be wanting, and where you’d like your focus to be at any given time.

If one is perpetually distracted by whatever trappings exist outside of the path which will lead to the goal, you’re actively participating in your dream being delayed.
If you’re ready to find the peace you seek, the goal you dream of or the circle of friends you desire, I challenge you to:
- Make a Checklist: Put together a list of what you want and participate only in those activities and the steps that will lead to your desires. Check them off along the way to recognize your accomplishments. Everything else is a distraction and distractions delay dreams.
- Make a Prop and Cast List: What are the tools you will need to accomplish your goals? Who are the folks you need to reach out to who will help you or mentor you? Utilize these tools. Contact these people. This is a plan to integrate for obtaining your dreams.
- Make a Things-to-do List: Map out the things you must do and the things you seek will come into focus. You might be surprised that often, they’ve been nearby all along.
If one is perpetually distracted by whatever trappings exist outside of the path which will lead to the goal, you’re actively participating in your dream being delayed – or possibly never connecting with the dream.
A wise book once said, “What profit a man to gain the whole world (all the likes) and lose his own soul (purpose).” This book was written a long time ago so you can easily insert your own pronoun to help apply this to yourself.
Following these three easy steps will allow your peace to find you. Even better, your dreams will thank you. For more assistance with minimizing distraction and increasing focus to help you reach your dreams contact us at for more information.
By: Tanyika “Tann” Moore, LMFT
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