Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” I agree wholeheartedly and it would be enough to leave this quote as is because in a way – it says it all. However, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t see something good and desire to make it better. It’s kind of what I do. I’ll take a look and seek to improve. 

I say there are three important days in your life that standout above all the others. The day you’re born, the day you find out why, and New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is so important because many times we decide that there will be a rebirth of sorts in the coming year. A reassessment of why we were born. The New Year’s resolution has become a very important declaration on a day where endings and beginnings intersect.

I am neither for nor against New Year’s resolutions. I will say, however, that New Year’s resolutions can be both useful and stifling on the path of goal setting and progress. When you make a resolution, there can be pressure constantly looming over you to eat right, exercise, or to get rid of that toxic relationship. This pressure can often work against our ability to achieve any New Year’s resolution. 

It’s hard to believe that the intention we set at the end of the year to make the following year the best year ever could be the very source of us feeling overwhelmed and why we might don the title of underachiever. 

Guess what – it’s true. 

How quickly we can reach the finish line of our goals depends on how well we manage them.

This blog exists for one reason and one reason only. To remind you that this day is the most important day of your life. Theorists like Gestalt believed in the here and the now approach to healing. What has happened, and what will happen, are far less important than what is happening right now. Do you know what is happening right now? 

Time is passing. We are already in the second month of this new year. Have you honored the most important statement you made last year? Have you worked toward the resolution? If not, it is time to do it now, because one thing is for certain, the ball will be dropping in the blink of an eye ushering in 2024, and you will want to be able to say you achieved at least one of those goals. 

You can begin today by: 

  1. Writing Down All of Your Goals: Writing down the things you wish to achieve takes it from being a resolution or an idea to a plan. Having a plan takes some of the pressure and edge off by giving you a roadmap to follow.
  2. Look At Your List of Resolutions: Decide which one thing is most important for you to achieve this year. Put it on a sticky note and place it on your mirror, then take baby steps toward your chosen resolution every single day.
  3. Use The Buddy System: Ask a friend to check in with you occasionally as an accountability partner to help you assess your progress.

The three most important days of your life may be the day you were born, the day you find out why and the last day of the year, when you make resolutions. However, if you are here now, and you are enjoying life at this moment, I’d venture to say today is a good day.

If you’d like more insights or help with achieving your goals, please contact us at for more information.

By: Tanyika “Tann” Moore, LMFT