Like a Fox: 6 Ways to Remove The Therapy Stigma

There are moments where we’ve seen something and because of our conditioning we may respond by saying, “That’s crazy.” In another instance you may be breathless from laughing at your friend’s jokes and may innocently remark, “Girl, you’re so crazy.” In both scenarios...

Life is But a Dream: 3 Steps to Dream Catching

In a recent post, Michael Bernard Beckwith stated, “Instead of having our dreams come true, let’s choose to be true to our dreams.” This may sound like the same thing but one implies a passive approach to achieving those things we desire and the latter represents...

Shadowboxing in the Mirror: No Shade is Lit

Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. -Carl Jung One never knows what will spark a thought or emotion. When I see shadow boxers I think of the name more than the action. I...